1) Finished my Christmas Shopping (God bless on-line stores. I hate the mall at Christmas time)
2) Finished unpacking from my move into the new house. (oh, who am I kidding, I still have boxes in almost every room)
3) Put together about a thousand toys for my boys for Christmas (Daddy, why did Santa paint all the toys with Red dots?)
4) Watched a lot of football (which the wife hates but 'tis the bowl season in college so it had to be done)
5) Worked. And worked. And worked (anyone who said middle management is easy has never been in the middle of those in power and those who are not...let's face it you can't please anyone let alone everyone)
6) Hung Christmas lights...in the dark. Because I like a challenge.
7) Watched a lot of TV (Hey honey we have almost 34 hours free on the TIVO!!)
8) Hung about 30 shelves (why do houses not come with shelves? Do people not feel the need to display dust inducing chochkees in their houses like we do?)
9) Put together a bunch of storage units and pre-fab furniture (again, more red dots)
10) Procrastinated. Kinda like I'm doing right now.
Coming soon...Your Moment of Zen's Top albums of 2008. Maybe.
Happy Holidays.