Sunday, January 31, 2010
Bad Lieutenant (or what Bernard Sumner has been up to lately)

Monday, January 25, 2010
When James Met Danger (DMCA Compliant version)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Critics will go Nuts for The Album Leaf

Monday, January 11, 2010
Introducing...Christopher Bell Covers America

Bell's sound is in line with ELLIOT SMITH, BON IVER, and SUFJAN STEVENS. Like those other artists, Bell uses very little instrumentation and often sings in a hushed tone that belies the power of his ability. Given that these songs are covers he is essentially interpreting another's words and music but it doesn't feel that way. These songs sound like his own (this may be due to the relative obscurity of the source material). There's a streak of Americana Folk that runs throughout the set that binds it together, whether it is the plaintive "Robert L. Sinclaire" or the Odd Frank Black cover "All My Ghosts" redone as an ole timey porch sing along.
Bell's music has the same feel of a Norah Jones in many ways; of this time and yet very much influenced by another. His sound is carefully crafted to recall a long lost age of simple singing and songs that had room to breath and improvisation to occur. One gets the idea that played live, his music never is the same twice. Which is why I think he is someone worth keeping an eye on.
(mp3) Christopher Bell -- All My Ghosts
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Introducing...Paper The Operator

Monday, January 04, 2010
New Vampire Weekend

Saturday, January 02, 2010
Introducing...Benjamin Shaw

(mp3) Benjamin Shaw -- When I Fall Over In The City