Monday, May 02, 2011

The Generationals mine the past

I love when bands find a way to take an old sound and refurbish it into something new. THE GENERATIONALS are a duo from New Orleans that have taken care over 2 records and an ep to try to pay homage to the 60's British Invasion sound through a uniquely American lens.

The band's latest record, "Actor-Caster", opens with a bluesy shuffle entitled "Ten-Twenty-Ten" before gliding into the piano and guitar slink of "I Promise". "You Say It Too" has some KINKS DNA in it along with the distorted vocals made famous by the DAVE CLARK FIVE. What is refreshing about the record is not how it works over the past but makes it accessible to those who were not around to hear it in the first place. This is the kind of album that makes you research the bands it uses a markers for it's sound. Enjoy the swirl of "Dirty Mister Dirty" then go and look into THE TROGGS? But rather than mine the past it's better to live in the future with this gem of a record.

The Generationals are offering two free songs here.

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