Saturday, December 27, 2008
Things I Have Done Since My Last Post

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Something that got stuck in my head...

Monday, November 17, 2008
In Case You Missed It
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Catching up with...
1) Hands down my new favorite TV Show of the moment is Chuck. Not only is it funny and full of action, it has great music. Case in point was the superb use of Rush's "Tom Sawyer" to illustrate the climactic battle Chuck has to go through against the old game Missile Command. It was a brilliant use of the song and made me jump on the net and grab it for the ole' iPod.
2) I have, for the most part, ignored the new OASIS record. For someone who is card carrying member of the Britpop fan club to write these words might constitute blasphemy, but I just haven't been able to get excited. The two exceptions to my blah attitude are the singles "Falling Down" (both the original and the Chemical Brothers remix) and "Shock of the Lightning". Both of these songs could very easily have fit onto the first two records so this is most likely why I enjoy them. The rest feels like filler to me.
(mp3) Oasis - Shock of the Lightning
3) Has a band coming off a huge commercial album ever had a quieter follow up release than SNOW PATROL? I would have expected their new stuff to be plastered all over the radio and TV but I have heard nary a peep from their new album. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
4) This past week was homecoming week on my campus. This is one of my favorite times of the year and makes me a bit sad I chose to go to a college with no football team and very little school spirit. Perhaps that is why every year I lose my voice screaming at the top of my lungs to get a bunch of teenagers excited about a game. (BTW, our team lost again this year, making it 13 straight loses to the cross town rival). In honor of that here are some of the best collegiate fight songs around.
(mp3) USC Fight Song
(mp3) Notre Dame Victory March
(mp3) Michigan Hail To The Victors
(mp3) Florida State War Chant
(mp3) University of Tennessee Rocky Top
Hopefully it won't be as long till my next post.
Monday, November 03, 2008
I Love Democracy

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Lost Bands of Britpop (Part Six)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
In Honor Of My New Commute

The drive has forced me to listen to a ton of sports talk radio (just about the lowest common denominator of entertainment is the afternoon drive talk show.) Although I do, from time to time, find the guys on AM 570 (Money and Petros) entertaining, the 710 ESPN yakkers (Denholm and Long) are god awful and make me want to leap screaming from me semi moving vehicle. Seriously, I could do these guys jobs in my sleep. The only reason I listen is to keep abreast of the day in sports. The talk is broken up by a combination of KROQ, 100.3 the Sound (a new alternsative for old people station that is like THE WAVE but with REM and U2) and the old iPod. So in honor of my new found time in the car, here is a mini-mix of songs. Happy commuting everyone (I will now go load my gun for the tomorrow's onset of road rage...)
(mp3) Snow Patrol --Headlights
(mp3) The Perishers -- Let There Be Morning
(mp3) It Hugs Back -- Other Cars Go
(mp3) A3 -- Woke Up This Morning
(mp3) Jimi Hendrix -- Crosstown Traffic (Courtesy of Metal Bastard)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Not Dead...just moving
Monday, September 29, 2008
200th post -- nothing but chaos
1) My wife having surgery and being bed ridden for a week and a half
2) The impending purchase of a new home and the subsequent packing required
3) A tedious and time consuming job interview for a promotion.
4) No support network in the area (although a last minute call to the bullpen to bring in my dad for babysitting duty paid off)
5) My two sons simultaneously deciding to channel Dennis the Menace and spend every waking hour hurling themselves and any convenient object at each other.
All of these factors have led me believe that my karma is currently out of whack. Now the surgery could not be avoided. After seven months of intense pain it was finally time to end the household nightmare for my wife. Buying a new house is actually a good thing, but if you have ever gone through a house hunt and the accompanying purchase process you know that this is some sort of Chinese torture program. The job interview kind of came out of left field and let me say that finishing second in a job race is no fun. Having no parents (my mom is in Oklahoma packing my brother up to ship out to Afghanistan and my wife's parents live in Oregon) makes corralling the children somewhat complex and required me to take a week off. If anyone actually knows me then you know what a rarity it is for me to take any time off, let alone a week. Finally, the only explanation I have for my boys is that they are 2 1/2 and boys ('nuff said).
So where does this leave me? Will I maintain my sanity long enough to get through October? Will I survive all the various trials to succeed and prosper? I hope so. In the meantime I feel the JOY DIVISION just about sums up my mood right now.
(mp3) Joy Division -- Disorder
(mp3) Joy Division -- Day of the Lords (for the chorus of "When will it end" over and over again like a mantra)
But fear not fair readers, salvation is near because baseball playoffs start Wednesday.
(mp3) Train -- Calling All Angels
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Promoting a Blog I Love

Monday, September 22, 2008
A Quick Hit for the Day
Monday, September 15, 2008
Kanye West gives good Daft Punk!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Lost Bands of Britpop (Part Five)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Just When I've Lost Faith in Humanity
In a room above a busy street
The echoes of a life
The fragments and the accidents
Separated by incidents
Listened to by walls
We share the same spaces
Repeated in the corridors
Performing the same movements
Storey to storey
Building to building
Street to street
We pass each other
Storey to storey
Building to building
Street to street
We pass each other
Listened to by walls
We share the same spaces
Repeated in the corridors
Performing the same movements
The nature of your tragedy
Is chained around your neck
Do you lead or are you led
Are U sure that you don't care
There are reasons here to give your life
And follow in your way
The passion lives to keep your faith
Though all are different all are great
Climbing as we fall
We dare to hold on to our fate
And steal away our destiny
To catch ourselves with quiet grace
Storey to storey
Building to building
Street to street
We pass each other on the stairs
Listened to by walls
We share the same spaces
Repeated in the corridors
Performing the same movements
Storey to storey
Building to building
Street to street
We pass each other on the stairs
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thank God for Sarah Palin!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
New Bloc Party
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Zencast #15 (The Indie Cast - B)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Lost Bands of Britpop (Part Four)

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Plugging back into the Matrix

Friday, August 01, 2008
Hitting the Open Road

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Lost Bands of Britpop (Part Three)

Friday, July 25, 2008
I Can't Get No Sleep

I suppose I could write a review of THE DARK KNIGHT since I saw it today, but what could I say that would be unique or new to the conversation? (other than that I personally enjoyed it quite a bit despite the unrelenting darkness of the film and yes Heath Ledger is very good...)
I could take the time to talk about the state of my beloved LA ANGELS (best record in baseball) but since no one else in mainstream sports media cares about them then why should I?
I could opine on the state of the US economy and the eerie parallels between the current situation and the beginning of the GREAT DEPRESSION of the 1930's (but that would only put you to sleep, not me)?
I could pick something random and just babble on about it, but that might just get my mind all fired up and then I never get to sleep!!! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY MADDENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I put this to you dear readers, how do you fight insomnia? How do you drift off to sleep when every ounce of your body is fighting you? Leave suggestions in the comments section. I'm gonna go have some warm milk...
(mp3) Faithless -- Insomnia
Monday, July 21, 2008
Bring That Beat Back (Dancing Around the World)
Seriously who wouldn't want to be this guy. To see all that he has seen. I wish I could have seen a fraction of the world that he has danced through. What amazed me every time I watch this is how universal the joy of dancing like a fool can be. So get up and dance around your city tomorrow. It will make you feel better!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Simply A Beautiful Movie

(mp3) Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova -- When Your Mind's Made Up
Lost Bands of Britpop (Part Two)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Lost Bands of Britpop (Part One)

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Everything I Love About Music in Two Simple Steps
Zencast #14 (Songs from The Wife's iPod)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Collective Nostalgia

Monday, July 07, 2008
The Fairline Parkway

Saturday, July 05, 2008
General Fuzz Loves You Back

Thursday, July 03, 2008
Downtempo Goodness from The Great Northwest

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Anthem In (Finally some new music)

Thursday, June 26, 2008
In Fond Memory Of...
Second is a comparison of baseball and football. The single funniest five minutes he has ever done. He will be missed.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Track By Track: Review of Coldplay's Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Zencast #13 (The Electro Pop Cast)

1) Depeche Mode -- Enjoy The Silence
2) Pet Shop Boys -- Domino Dancing
3) OMD -- Enola Gay
4) Cause and Effect -- It's Over Now
5) Moev -- Capital Heaven
6) Manufacture -- As The End Draws Near
7) Camouflage -- That Smiling Face
8) Red Flag -- Russian Radio
9) B Movie -- Remembrance Day
10) Erasure -- Drama!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I Don't Care If It Is Kids Music...It's Catchy

1) It's about baseball. This in and of itself might be enough.
2) Roberts sounds like Mike Mills from REM. Go ahead listen to this followed by REM's "Superman" and I dare you to tell me they are not separated a birth.
3) The song has a catchy chorus. This would be a great summer song even if it wasn't aimed at those still riding with their training wheels attached.
4) Seriously, it sounds like a lost REM song. Take away the lyrics and just listen to the music and it could fit right in to any of Stipe and Company's albums. (Come on, isn't "Shiny, Happy People" really a kids song?)
So put aside your prejudice to music for toddlers and give it a listen. I even included the video which is also kitchy fun!!
(mp3) Justin Roberts -- Pop Fly
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Quick Hit